We movin on up in da world like elevators
Me and the crew we pimps like eighty-two
Me and you like Tony Toni Tone
- Big Boi
Thought I was slightly hungover when I woke up today, but actually not, not even a little bit. Feel no pain in my head, just a little feeling, something that reminded me when my phone jolted me out of my sleep a little while ago that I have a working cerebrium in my skull, which is good, I'm going through two airports today.
At Tampa International now. The screen at my gate still reads a New York flight that leaves at 2:50. My flight for Detroit (connecting to Chicago) is supposed to start letting people on there at 3:00, hope there isn't no delay BS going on. I don't know, I probably sound stupid (I do where to check but I don't want my business center terminal to get snatched up), I just need to get used to traveling more and navigating airports if I'ma become the international player that I strive to be.
Have flown much more in the past four years than I had in the 21 years prior, four times as much (four times from 06) and I got my first celebrity airport story: meeting Hulk Hogan right after we both went through the TSA search. He wound up being cool, called me "brother" two times (here is where I would post some youtube video showing how he calls people "brother" in interviews but the airport service aint letting me- I need a wireless card).
I think later I'll list up all the influential and meaningful people I met and talked to this weekend, in my mind it seems like an amazing list. Probably won't mean shit to you but it did to me, this was truly a great weekend, I feel slightly changed. The feeling is bullshit, it'll fade as I return to my day-to-day routine, but I truly feel lifted right now and that is not a corny reference to flight. Speaking of which, mine has now been pushed back to 5:30 from 3:30. Delay bullshit, indeed. Guess I'll finish this blog sooner than I expected.
I need to do a better job of just getting things out, I guess I'll get better with that as I continue with this blog. Anyhow... it turns out the flight still was on time, it just moved to a different gate. I rushed over to the other gate, flew to Detroit (where you got to pay to use the internet in their airport), and then flew home, parting dangerous looking storm clouds as we entered the airspace over Midway Airport. Let me stop with this though, before this becomes more about some shit that doesn't mean anything.
It being late Friday now the sheen of the past weekend has long went away. That would have been the case even if the week hadn't sucked like it did (nothing real important, just the same ol'- late hours at work, fending off creditors, scrounging up money for food, keeping from getting evicted, etc) but the whole time has been like a rapid decent from above the clouds, or a malfunctioning elevator jerking your ass down several flights. In Tampa it was "me and you, your mama and your cousin too"-- NABJ really is like fam, even better in some ways (no emotional baggage weighing us down), now its just me again. I rocked the shirt down there:
Me &
You &
Yo Momma &
Yo Cousin
Clever, culturally so, it gets a reaction from certain people who love Outkast, as I do, and bam- you got a friend for a moment. I rock the shirt now and nobody knows what the fuck it means, they tilt their heads and ask "what does that mean." That being said I haven't given my fair Wisconsinites the chance to see the shirt, but I know well enough. I know what floor I'm on once again. I know where I stand in the stratosphere. The clouds never looked so far away. I'll keep reaching though, I really can't do nothing else- maybe someone will boost me up, maybe I'll have an unexpected growth spurt, maybe what's up there will come to me and I can trap it and examine it (get my District 9 on). Like I said, ain't nothing else to do, least I know a good tune to hum as the time passes.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
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