Definitely one to rock, given the latest news on the receiver who can't shoot straight (wonder how much else he couldn't do straight in the immediate time after putting that slug into himself. The shirt itself is very clever, especially after you see that the word "Plaxico" in fact means "peace," as described by the good folks at motheringhut.com who are selling the shirt. Although I'm not sure what "in Africa" means, there's no language of African. Might have to look into that one yourself but if one single dialect translates Plaxico to peace then that's all the shirt needs.

As for the story itself: quite sad all around, still very hard to feel bad for the guy though. If this story doesn't have cats think twice about carrying firearms, let alone unregistered gats, out in public places where there's really no reason to have them, then I don't know what will.
Plus Plax will get a chance to redeem himself, the NFL announced today that they will re-instate Shooter after he serves his two-year bid. That's the good news, the bad: Shooter will be in his mid-30's when he gets out. Who's gonna want him? Don't know, but under "who may need him," I'll take the Bears for $200, Alex.
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